Prospects of technovatics
It is safe to mark 4 stages in the development of any methodology:
Stage 1. Accumulation of methods.
Stage 2. Classification of methods.
Stage 3. Linking of methods in a single system.
Stage 4. Detailed elaboration and optimization of methods.
If to proceed from this 4-step scheme, it can be stated that technovatics is at the end of the 3rd stage of its development.

The origins of technovatics lie in TRIZ, more precisely in Classical TRIZ.
Among of many directions which were spun off from TRIZ only Directed Evolution, G3:ID and technovatics are most significant currently. These three directions cover most fully all sides of solving and are focused not only on learning, as many other directions, but to the practice of solving.

One of the main problems of technovatics as science is the problem of detection of objective regularities of technics development and linking these regularities with methods of technovatics.
One of the main problems of technovatics as methodology is the problem of integration all methods of technovatics in a single system and linking these methods with kinds of problems.
In the near future it is supposed:
- implementation of methods of technovatics in enterprises and research institutes;
- introduction of technovatics in the list of academic disciplines in universities.
The general vector of tekchovatics development are directed towards science.