• E-mail: technovatics@gmail.com


Fundamentals of technovatics

Technovatics is an applied discipline at the junction of different sciences, such as technics (technology), physics, mathematics, chemistry, biology, philosophy, history and psychology.

The main destination of technovatics is technological development through problem solving and forecasting.

The significance of technovatics is determined by its destination directly related to technics. Because technics is one of the main factors (driving forces) of society development.

  • Technovatics is scientific-heuristic methodology of solving technical (technological, techno-organizational, techno-economical) problems based on analytic, synthetic and intuitive approaches.

  • The purpose of technovatics to be methodological toolkit for increasing of effectiveness and reducing of time of technical problems solving.

  • Target group of technovatics – technical problem solvers (engineers and scientists).

  • Products of technovatics are technovations (technical solutions).

  • Technovatics is oriented on detection of all field of technical solutions.

  • Technovatics is based on objective regularities of development of technics and person’s thinking.

  • Place of technovatics in the process of movement from problems to the market: