Methodological approaches of technovatics
The real problems have many solutions each of them has own advantages over other solutions.
Choice of the best solution requires attraction of additional information related to market needs, with the technological possibilities of production, the terms and the cost of implementing of solution. This is already outside the competence of technovatics.

Technovatics is aimed to detect as many as possible the technical solutions of given problem. Ideally – all field of solutions. However technovatics proceeds from the fact that there is no one universal approach or method that allows you to find the all field of solutions.

Each approach includes several methods that are characteristic for given approach. These methods represent the main content of technonatics.
Phenomenological approach.
PhMAnalysis (analysis of physical models).
PFAnalysis (process-flow analysis).
System approach.
EFAnalysis (element-function analysis).
SHAnalysis (structure-hierarchy analysis).
Dialectical approach.
CEAnalysis (cause-effect analysis).
TCAnalysis (analysis of technical contradictions).
Ervolutional approach.
HAnalysis (historical analysis).
FAnalysis (futurological analysis).
Economical approach.
AAnalysis (axiological analysis).
EAnalysis (Efficiency analysis).
Each of the basic analytical methods can be seen from four sides:
- from the side of resources,
- from the side of objects,
- from the side of functions,
- from the side of parameters.
Natural analogs.
Technical analogs.
Physical effects.
Mathematical effects.
Chemical effects.
Biological effects.
Single principles.
Binary principles.
Complex principles.
Rows of principles.
Technical trends.
Non-technical trends.
Physiological approach.
Psychological approach.
Neurological approach.
Software approach.
Neural network approach.
All of above-listed approaches and methods are basic and are not transform one to another. And all together they represent a kind of "hologram", even part of which (i.e. one approach or one method) can reproduce in general outline all field of solutions of the considered problem. But in this case the quality of this "image" will be much worse than from all "hologram".