• Phone: +7 (8142) 76-02-98
  • E-mail: technovatics@gmail.com

Learning of technovatics methods!


Employees are the "Golden Fund" of any enterprise (organization, government). The more they are creative, the better business will be.

Creativity of employees does not appear by itself, it needs to grow. And for this we need to constantly improve their qualifications, especially in the field of technical and technological problem solving.

Technovatics is not just a set of the most effective solving methods, but it is a system of methods, which form the solving (including inventive) style of thinking. Formation of this style requires a long time and depends on both abilities and persistence of trainees.

Why the learning by professional solver is much more effective
than the learning by professional teacher?

  • Because only professional solver knows the true value of one or another methodological tool.
  • Because only professional solver can show the "kitchen" of solving process.
  • Because only professional solver can demonstrate "alive" how to use the methods for practical problems of trainees.

Kinds of technovational learning:

  • Introductory lecture (~ 4 hours)

    In frame of introductory lecture an overview about technovatics, its approaches and methods is presented, also a comparison with other methodologies of technical problem solving is made.

  • Educational seminar (~ 3 days)

    In the frame of educational seminar the detailed overview about technovatics methods is presented. Great number of educational examples demonstrates how these methods should be applied in practice.

  • Education and practical training (~ 2 weeks)

    In frame of educational and practical training the skills in the using of different technovatics methods are obtained on the basis of solving of problems of trainees. For participation in education and practical training every trainee should have as minimum one unsolved practical problem (connected with his place of work and profession).

  • Practical coaching (~ 3 months)

    In the frame of practical couching the process of realization of technovational project is demonstrated on concrete problem facing trainee. At the same time the trainee is involved in solving process, and is not merely like observer.

Technovational learning by formula
“demonsrational problem solving + educational seminar” (~ 4 months)

One of the more effective tool for increasing of creativity of technical and engineering employees of enterprises (design bureaus, engineering centers, applied research institutes) is a week-long educational seminar with preliminary demonstration of the process solving of several problems of these enterprises.

Initially it will be shown how some technovatics methods work, for example, on 5 problems of the customer. Then, during the educational seminar, other technovatics methods will be shown on examples and educational tasks. At the same time some periodic returns to these 5 problems will allow to assess the comparative efficacy of different technovatics methods.

Typical learning plan:

  1. Acquaintance with 5 problems of the customer.
    1st meeting with trainees (5 days).
  2. Solving of these problems by teacher
    (he is professional solver also) with periodical
    as a rule distant communication with customer’s representatives for refinement of problems (3 months).
  3. Demonstration of solving process of these problems.
    2nd meeting with trainees (5 days).
  4. One-week seminar.
    3rd meeting with trainees (5 days).

As a result of this learning it will be received a clear understanding how to use the methods of technovatics in practice. For transformation of knowledge into skills the trainees need to solve themselves at least 3 practical problems with help of methods of technovatics.
For the purpose of increase the efficiency of technovational skills fixation it is recommended the repeated invitation of teacher for face time and/or distant consultations on each of solving projects.


Only professional solvers can teach technovatics effectively and in full measure. Because just they are able to demonstrate their solving skills directly during the learning process of students. After all, the main purpose of technovational learning is not only transfer of knowledge about methods of technovatics but formation of solving skills among trainees.


Distinctive feature of technovational learning (among existing kinds of learning) is the presence of "alive" demonstration by teacher how to use the methods of technovatics on real technical problems that face the trainees at given moment.