• E-mail: technovatics@gmail.com

Let's put technovations on stream!

Technovational conveyor

Technovational conveyor is the division of labor in the process of solving technical problems and developing new equipment.

The time when one person sets inventive tasks for himself, he himself searches for their solutions, designs them himself (makes drawings, calculations, models), makes experimental samples and checks them himself, is gone.

Now the time has come for the division of labor not only in production, but also in technovational activity.

Now is the time to maximize the acceleration of all, without exception, the processes associated with the invention.

Now, those who manage to transfer the development of new technology to the conveyor mode, are winning.

Experience of leading corporations of the world

The history of rapidly developing countries (USA, Germany, Japan, South Korea, China, etc.) shows that the main source of growth in their gross product is constant technical improvement and renewal of production (products and its manufacturing technology), as well as advanced innovation. The basis of this is the development of new technology and the professionalism of the developers. Everything else (including management and marketing) is ancillary processes aimed at creating a favorable environment for the emergence of new competitive technology.

"Technovational funnel"

The process of developing a new technology in the leading corporations of the world can be schematically depicted in the form of a “technovational funnel”.

The full cycle of development of technology includes 7 stages:

  1. Identifying problems and setting tasks.
  2. Forecasting (identifying directions for development).
  3. Problem solving (identification of solutions field).
  4. The expertise of solutions (selection of solutions by experts).
  5. Computer simulation and/or mathematical calculation.
  6. Experimental verification (manufacturing and testing).
  7. Implementation (organization of production).
  8. At each of these stages, different knowledge and skills are required. Nowadays, it’s already difficult for one universal developer to compete with a team of specialists. And the more complex the technique, the harder it is to compete with them.


Who needs that:

Corporations, enterprises, design bureaus, research and applied centers, technoparks, etc.

The essence of the proposal:

It is proposed to organize on the existing material and technical base a technovational conveyor (with full or partial division of labor).

It is proposed to use existing Concepts to launch the Conveyor.

It is proposed to take technovatics as the core methodology of the Conveyor.

Expected results:
  • Acceleration of the process of developing new technology.
  • ncrease productivity of inventive labor.
  • Improving the quality of development.