Technovational Center
Technovational Center (TC) is intended to become a means of generating not only effective solutions to current problems, but also new highly profitable industries.
TC aims:
- to solve actual technical (technological) problems of enterprises and accompany the implementation of the found solutions;
- to proactively find promising technovational ideas and launch startups on their basis;
- to teach technovatics to engineering and technical workers with their parallel solving of production and technical problems facing them;
- to form a mass technovational movement in the region and beyond.

Kinds of activity
It is supposed to work on new products in two directions:
- Experimental verification and achievement of the "commercial view" of already existing Concepts of various inventors, including those from other regions.
- Development, testing and refinement of new Concepts with the help of TC specialists.
The result of this work will be
- or sale to manufacturers of licenses for the production of new products,
- either launching startups based on this new product.
It is supposed to take orders of the enterprises for the solving of technical problems which experts of these enterprises could not solve.
It is also intended to solve the problems of enterprises together with the specialists of these enterprises.
TC will attract to its work inventors who can not realize their knowledge and skills to the extent they are capable of.
The basis of the successful work of the enterprise is the products and technology of its manufacture. Everything else, including management and marketing, is an addition to this.
The main objectives of the technovational rehabilitation of enterprises are:
- improving the functional competitiveness of products, including through improved technical characteristics and enhanced functionality;
- reducing production costs, including by saving resources and increasing productivity.
The essence of technical training is learning to identify the most significant technical problems of enterprises and the ability to find the most effective ways to solve them.
The basis of technical education is the training of technovatics, the modern methodology of problem solving and forecasting.
Launch to work
In this case, to launch a shopping center, it will take no more than 10 million dollars, which are necessary for
- annual salary fund (up to 100 people);
- material and technical support (including materials and components for ongoing development);
- operating costs.
In this case, it is necessary to invest at least 50 million dollars in the design, construction, equipment and launch of TC, occupying an area of 3 hectares.

TC makes simultaneously up to 10 technovational projects, for each of which creates a separate temporary technovational group. These projects include both projects related to the solving of technovational tasks, and initiative projects to create perspective technovations, on the basis of which, among other things, it is possible to create startups.
TC makes multi-level training on the methods of technovatics both on the basis of the training rooms of the Center itself, and with departure to the enterprises (organizations, institutions). At the same time, the main feature of technovational education is that this training is carried out through the solving of specific tasks facing the trainees in their practical activities.
TC will be focused on products whose development and implementation cycle does not exceed 1 year, including:
- Appliances.
- Office equipment.
- Instruments.
- Small mechanization.
- Furniture.
- Toys.
- ...
TC will be focused primarily on solving the problems of the region where it is located.
TC will be focused on solving particularly urgent problems.