Books on technovatics should become table books not only for developers of new technics, but for all who are directly or indirectly associated with the development of technics.
It is expected to write and publish series of books on technovatics and its applications in different fields.
Currently, the first three books of this series are being prepared, namely textbooks on two methods of technovatics and textbook on all technovatics in general.
These textbooks differ not so much by a large number of well-illustrated technical tasks, but rather by show how these tasks are solved with help of methods that are part of technovatics.

Textbook "TCAnalysis"
Learning how to solve technical problems through the identification and resolution of technical contradictions.
Analytical method.
The method is based on the identification of technical contradictions (TC) and the building of TC diagrams.
The result of the application of this method is the field of solution directions in which frameworks it is necessary to find a solution that will satisfy the original requirements.

Textbook "12 principles of invention"
Learning how to solve technical problems using the 12 methods of the invention.
Synthetic method "Principles" including 12 principles of invention considered in the book.
Principle of invention is a change in the technical object or technological operation leading to solution of technical problem.

Textbook "Technovatics"
Learning how to solve the technical problems and to forecast the development of technics.
A holistic view to the technovatics as scientific-heuristic methodology of solution searching.
Three approaches: analytical, synthetic and intuitive.
Analytical and synthetic methods of technovatics are presented through examples and tasks.