• E-mail: technovatics@gmail.com

Knowledge. Skills. Competences.

Eduard Kurgi

Since 2005 to 2023 worked as a professional solver of technical problems in various fields of engineering. In this period I made more 80 solving projects.

In between solving projects I conducted seminars, trainings and coachings on the methods of TRIZ and technovatics with specialists of various manufacturing companies and research institutes (centers).

The kinds of engineering in frame of which I was solving the problems in 2005-2023 years:

South Korea, Samsung Electronics, 2005-2010

Washing machines


Refrigerators for kimchi

Robot vacuum cleaners


Air conditioners

Kitchen hoods with built-in microwave



Mobile phones

Laser printers

Manipulators for glass

Semiconductor plates (wafers)


Chip bumps

China, TRIZ Tech, 2010-2013


Electric cars

Wheel loaders


LED lamps


Machines for processing of big details

Welding tables

Manipulators for glass

Optoelectronic connectors

Honing stones

Balers of central type

Balers of side type

Fodder shredders

Tractor back couplings

Solar dryers


Satellite navigation devices

Russia, Concern Tractor Plants, 2015-2016


Wheeled agricultural tractors

Crawler agricultural tractors

Stun guns

Infantry fighting vehicles

Off-road vehicles

Grain harvesters

Logging complexes of machines

China, Haier, 2017-2023

Washing machines

Kitchen hoods

Water purifier

External air conditioner units

Refrigerator doors

Heat pump dryers

Air conditioners

Reverse osmosis filters

China, MIDEA, 2020

Steam generators

China, SMOORE/Vaporesse, 2021


Until 2005 I worked in Petrozavodsk (Russia):

  • Designer of 1st category on electric drive and control systems.
  • Adjuster of woodworking machines and semi-automatic lines.
  • Leading designer on mechanics.
  • Chief designer of the design office at the machine-tool corporation.
  • Director of the experimental plant.
  • System manager of the university innovation center.
  • Head of the university center of invention.

Basic education:

  • physical and mathematical (physical electronics);
  • woodworking engineering (machines and mechanisms for timber industry).

Since 1977 I made methodological developments in frame of TRIZ, since 1998 – in frame of technovatics.

Main developments in frame of TRIZ:

Year Development Explanation
1982 ARIZ-83 Union of TC (Technical Contradiction) and PhC (Physical Contradiction) in one diagram with help of nodal element (NE).
Matrix of contradiction resolution.
1985 ZRTS-85 Pyramidal structure of ZRTS (Laws of Technical System Evolution) with Idealization on the top.
The rejection of the notion of "law" and transition to the notion of "regularity".
1987 ARIZ-85K Representation of TC in the form of hyperbole.
Parallel solving of problem in three directions.
1996 ZRTS-96 Representation of technology development regularities in the form of regular rows.
Arc curves of technology development.
1996 ARIZ-96 Expansion of visible field of solutions.
Contradiction as a single whole presented through TC, PhC and MC (Mathematical Contradiction).
1996 TRIZ-96 Expansion the scope of TRIZ due to inclusion of various analytical methods.